5 Matches That Could Main Event The Debut Episode Of Smackdown On FOX

Smackdown will officially be moving to FOX on October 4th. It is likely that WWE will be stacking this show in order to pop a rating. I wanted to pass along 5 matches that I could see main eventing the episode.

5) Kofi Kingston vs Seth Rollins In A Champion vs Champion Match

A definite option for the first main event of Smackdown on FOX is Kofi Kingston vs Seth Rollins. This would be a Champion vs Champion match.

We have seen these two face off before in a Champion vs Champion match. Their match on RAW back in April ended via disqualification after the Bar interfered.

I could see WWE doing Seth vs Kofi again on Smackdown in order to give the show a big main event. This would be an easy match for both WWE and FOX to advertise prior to the show.

Since Survivor Series is a month away from this episode, the only way this match happens is if one of these two is planned to drop their belt before that event. If not, they aren’t going to give away the potential Survivor Series main event.

4) Roman Reigns vs Daniel Bryan In A Singles Match

It seems pretty clear that we are heading towards a series of matches between Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns. These two have been involved in a storyline for the past few weeks now and it doesn’t look like it will be stopping anytime soon.

Maybe WWE saves their first singles match (of this current feud) for the debut episode on FOX? It would definitely be a big match that they could advertise for a few weeks.

Hell in a Cell is shortly after this episode, so maybe they face off both here and at the PPV? I could see that happening.

I definitely wouldn’t rule out Bryan vs Reigns for the debut episode on FOX.

Use the buttons below for more potential main events of the debut episode of Smackdown on FOX.

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