Spoiler On A Return At Summerslam

Summerslam will be taking place on August 11th in Toronto. The event will feature Seth Rollins vs Brock Lesnar, Kofi Kingston vs Randy Orton, and more.

We have a spoiler to pass your way about a return that will be happening at the event.

As noted prior, WWE announced a match between Dolph Ziggler and the Miz for Summerslam. Dave Meltzer noted on Twitter that this was a ‘red herring’ and the match was going to be changed.

In the latest edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter (subscribe here), Meltzer says that Goldberg is scheduled to return at Summerslam to face Ziggler.

It is noted that Ziggler vs Goldberg is being kept as a big secret. Even the official internal line-up sheet has Ziggler vs the Miz listed. Over the next week, the Miz is expected to get replaced in this match but it is unclear how WWE will book that change.

This would make some sense as Ziggler has been taking shots at Goldberg for the past few weeks during his promos. He keeps talking about how Goldberg is an embarrassment in the ring.

How would you feel about Ziggler vs Goldberg? Let me know in the comment section below.

On a related note, check out some of my bold predictions for Summerslam.

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