Wrestlemania 36 Rumors And Spoilers

Here are some of the biggest Wrestlemania 36 rumors that are floating around. We track this for the entire year leading into the event, so make sure to keep checking back.

Wrestlemania 36 Rumors

13) The Backstage Reaction To Vince McMahon’s Decision To Move Forward With Wrestlemania 36

WWE still putting on Wrestlemania 36 during the coronavirus pandemic has been a controversial decision (to say the least). There are a lot of fans who think that the show should have been postponed. A new rumor suggests that most WWE employees agree with those fans.

According to Mike Johnson of PWInsider, most people in WWE were against carrying on with Wrestlemania 36, except for Vince McMahon. Here is what Johnson said:

“I can confirm after speaking to dozens of people in the company. I’m talking wrestlers, behind the scenes people, whatever, there is only one person who felt that they should have went forward with WrestleMania and that’s why they’re going forward with WrestleMania and that’s Vince.”

My Take:

  • This is definitely interesting. Especially with the news that Roman Reigns pulled out of the show because he doesn’t feel comfortable. We have to wonder how many more Superstars there are that feel uncomfortable but don’t want to lose their spots.

12) Concern Among Some WWE Superstars For After Wrestlemania 36

According to a report from WrestlingNews.co, there is concern among some WWE stars about their futures after Wrestlemania 36. WWE will be taking a big loss this year from the lack of merchandise and ticket sales from Wrestlemania 36 weekend. As a result, there is some concern among Superstars that there could be releases coming.

Here is an excerpt from the report:

Vince McMahon has offered big contracts to keep wrestlers from going elsewhere but given what is going on in the world, some lower card wrestlers have privately acknowledged that there may be some tough decisions made this year and there is a fear of talent cuts coming at some point.

One wrestler in WWE told me, “I think guys know they can’t depend on AEW as their safety net because they are going through their issues with canceled shows. This will be tough for a lot of guys and for a lot of people in [the wrestling business] overall.”

The feeling is that most of the mid-card wrestlers and the top stars will be fine but some of the wrestlers not used much on shows are worried.

My Take:

  • I think that this is definitely going to be the case. I expect some undercard wrestlers to get axed over the next few months. WWE has so many wrestlers on their roster and they can’t keep them all. It will be interesting to see what happens and who gets let go.

11) RAW After Wrestlemania 36 Footage Getting Scrapped?

A stay-at-home order was recently announced for the entire state of Florida. This has led to some rumors that WWE will be forced to take a break after Wrestlemania 36.

If a break does happen, @WrestleVotes says that some of the footage shot for the April 6th RAW won’t actually be aired:

My Take:

  • If WWE does commit to taking time off, the RAW after Wrestlemania 36 episode should probably be scrapped. WWE usually shoots new angles and storylines on this show but if they are taking a month off, there seems like no point. I would have Wrestlemania 36 serve as the season finale until they can start back up.

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