Matt Hardy Explains Why A “Woken” RAW General Manager Could Be Entertaining

Matt Hardy was recently interviewed by Wrestling INC. During the interview, Matt expressed some interest in becoming the new General Manager of Monday Night RAW.

Specifically, Matt feels as if his “Woken” persona could be entertaining in the role. 

Here is what Matt said:

“Baron Corbin is obviously a character in the role of abusing his power and putting the good guys in bad situations and taking advantage of it. 

I think coming in [as GM], it would be a fresh start considering I would be a good guy in many ways. Woken Matt Hardy in being the character he is, and how over the top he is, I think he would be very entertaining in a General Manager role. I could put guys in unique situations or matches. My interactions with each and every talent would be so unique.

I think the funnest thing between Broken Matt Hardy and Woken Matt Hardy was the interaction I had with other performers. I think if you have Woken Matt Hardy interacting with the women’s division and all the different athletes of the men’s division, I think there would be so much entertaining tv there.”

Would you be down for Matt as the RAW General Manager? Let us know in the comment section below. 

On a related note, Matt recently named the tag teams who he thinks have a bright future in WWE. You can read his comments here.

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