Jake Roberts Explains The Issues That He Has With Pro-Wrestling Today

Jake ‘the Snake’ Roberts was recently interviewed Sports Illustrated. During the interview, Roberts expressed some of his frustration about pro-wrestling today and explained what he doesn’t get about the young talent today.

Here is what he said during the interview:

“That’s what I don’t get about the young talent today. So many matches are the same. Don’t they get bored? It’s ridiculous what they waste, and they don’t even know they’re wasting it. I blame that on the new way of wrestling; if you come up now, you can be in the main event within a year. In my day, you had to learn. We had the territories that forced us to constantly grow and change.

“Another problem is this, everybody wants to get to the top and they have no problem sacrificing their life to do it. It doesn’t take a great wrestler to jump off the top of a cage. How many times can you do that before you miss? How many times can you do that before you’re crippled? Longevity is a key to success.”

Roberts also says that matches are not defined by a certain number of moves that a wrestler has. He says that they are defined by the effectiveness of the moves that are being used:

“I had six moves. I knew when to do them and I did them absolutely perfectly, and people believed them. Teaching this class, I’m going to make people think differently. The truth is in what you’ve done and where you’ve been, and there are not many people who have done more than I have.”

Agree or disagree with him?

On a related note, here are 11 upcoming movies that will feature former and current WWE stars. 

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