Backstage News on the Original Wrestlemania 33 Plans For Brock Lesnar

After Brock Lesnar was defeated at Survivor Series by Goldberg in just over a minute, many fans think that Brock will face Goldberg again at this years Wrestlemania. After both were announced as entrants of the 2017 Royal Rumble, it has been theorized that they will cost each other the match, leading to another match on the grandest stage of them all.

This reportedly WASN’T the original plans for Brock Lesnar at this years Wrestlemania. There was a ton of speculation a few months ago that Vince McMahon had some ‘big’ plans for Brock at Wrestlemania 33.

Dave Meltzer on the latest edition of Wrestling Observer Radio (subscribe here), says that the ‘big’ plans was a match against Shane McMahon at the event.

This match was teased several months ago at Summerslam. Shane came down to the ring after Brock TKO’d Randy Orton. He was hit with an F5 for his troubles. It looked like WWE would be building upon this angle but it never happened and Brock moved on to Goldberg.

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There was reportedly a lot of backstage discussion on what direction the company should have went. Either: Brock vs Shane or Brock vs Goldberg. A lot of key officials were split regarding what was the better option. Vince ended up deciding on Goldberg and the finish that we saw at Survivor Series.

Let us know what you think in the comment section below. Would you have liked to see a Brock vs Shane match or are you happy with seeing a Goldberg vs Brock rematch at Wrestlemania 33? We want to hear what you think!

1 thought on “Backstage News on the Original Wrestlemania 33 Plans For Brock Lesnar”

  1. brock/shane is NOT a WM match. its not even a match I care to see on a marginal PPV. it just doesn’t do anything for me.

    just think about this logically… brock runs through the entire roster like its nothing, yet im supposed to believe shane McMahon – A NON-WRESTLER mind you – has a legit shot at beating brock lesnar.

    HHH/shane is about the only match that has the dynamics that would intrigue me. but even that isn’t WM caliber, IMO. that’s maybe a decent PPV, but not even one of the big 4, IMO. maybe… MAYBE a survivor series level PPV.

    and im not sure if anyone’s actually noticed… but shane is horrible in the ring.he is so awkward. the only attraction for shane is his willingness to takea high-spot bump. but we’ve seen it already. shane doesn’t need to perform at WM. give that spot to the guys who work their a$$es off to earn it.


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