5 WWE Superstars Who Could Win The Intercontinental Championship Tournament

3) Drew Gulak

Another interesting option would be Drew Gulak winning the Intercontinental Championship.

Drew has been a rising star in WWE over the past few months. His partnership with Daniel Bryan has been fun and he has been putting on some good matches. I could see him putting on several strong matches in the tournament on-route to winning the belt.

I would love to see a final of Drew Gulak vs Daniel Bryan. It could be a really fun moment where the student finally beats the teacher in order to win the belt. That could be a fun direction to go.

2) Jeff Hardy

Another person who I immediately thought of after this news broke was Jeff Hardy. I could definitely see him winning the tournament to become the new Intercontinental Champion.

WWE was building up Jeff over the past several weeks. Based on their detailed video packages, he seems like he is going to be receiving a nice push over the next little while.

I could see Jeff beating Sheamus in the finals of the tournament to win the belt. He would make for a solid babyface Champion and I think that a lot of fans would like to see it.

Use the buttons below for more people who could win the Intercontinental Championship tournament.

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