5 Ways To Book Dean Ambrose’s Return

With Dean Ambrose set to return over the next few weeks, we decided to put together a list of return scenarios. Here are some ways that WWE could book Dean’s return to television.

5) Dean Teams With Seth Rollins Again

Before Dean’s injury, he was teaming with Seth Rollins. An easy transition for his return could be putting Dean and Seth back together as a tag team.

Let’s face it, the RAW Tag Team division isn’t exactly on fire at the moment. Maybe Dean and Seth re-joining the division could lead to a spark? This would also allow WWE to pick up where they left off in regards to the Dean and Seth storyline from prior to the injury.

With the roll that Seth is on right now as a singles competitor, I don’t know if WWE would put him back in a tag team. It still remains an option for the company though.

4) The Shield Reunites (Again)

The recent reunion of the Shield didn’t exactly go down as planned. Injury and illness plagued them last year and we didn’t see the group reach their full potential. I could see WWE putting the group back together to try and pick up where they left off.

I think there is still money in the Shield staying together as a unit. I have no doubts that they do monster merchandise numbers and they were receiving some pretty strong crowd reactions when they were together.

All 3 are members of the RAW roster so it remains a possibility. Will WWE put them back together? We will have to wait and see.

3) Dean Feuds With Jason Jordan

It seems like a natural feud for Dean Ambrose when he returns will be with Jason Jordan. Jordan won the RAW Tag Team Championships with Seth Rollins after Dean went down with an injury.

There is already a built-in storyline with them both teaming with Rollins. Dean might feel bitter that he was replaced by Jordan and could take it out on him. Or Jordan might want to prove to Seth that he is the better partner for him. I think there are a lot of places where WWE could go with it.

I fully expect this feud at some point after Dean returns.

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