5 Storyline Options For The Braun Strowman And Seth Rollins Feud

1) AJ Styles Gets Added To The Universal Title Match, Turning It Into ‘Winner Takes All’

An idea that I had recently was for WWE to raise the stakes even more in the Universal Title match. They could easily add AJ Styles and the United States Championship into the mix.

My idea would be WWE turns it into AJ Styles vs Seth Rollins vs Braun Strowman in a ‘winner takes all’ match. The winner of the match would leave with both the Universal and United States Championships.

This could make sense as Styles has been feuding with both Strowman and Rollins for several weeks now. It could also be a way to add some extra stakes to the main event at Clash of Champions. The most important thing is that this would protect both Strowman and Rollins from taking a clean loss. Styles would be the guy who takes the pinfall loss here. If that were to happen, it would save Strowman vs Rollins for the Hell in a Cell PPV.

This could be an interesting way for WWE to go with this storyline. It might be the smartest from the perspective of protecting both Braun and Seth.

What do you think will happen in this storyline? Let me know in the comment section below.

On a related note, check out 5 matches that could main event the first episode of Smackdown on FOX.

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