5 Bold WWE Backlash 2018 Predictions

4) Bobby Lashley Turns On Braun Strowman (or the other way around)

Bobby Lashley will team with Braun Strowman on Sunday night to take on Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. While the result of this match seems obvious, I think we are going to see a heel turn.

My gut says that we are getting a Lashley and Strowman feud over the next several weeks. I think WWE could set this up by having Lashley turn on Braun on Sunday night (or the other way around).

If a heel turn doesn’t happen, I still expect tension to be teased between these two. With Braun not being in the Universal Title picture right now, I think a feud with Lashley could be good for him for the time being.

5) Becky Lynch Or Asuka Accidentally Cost Charlotte Flair

I don’t think that Charlotte will be winning the Smackdown Women’s Title at Backlash. I also don’t think that she is going to lose cleanly to Carmella. I expect some shenanigans to happen here.

I am going to guess that the IIconics will interfere at some point. This would make sense as a way to keep their feud going with Charlotte. I also think that either Becky Lynch and/or Asuka will come down to the ring to help neutralize the IIconics when this happens.

This will lead to Becky and/or Asuka causing an accidental distraction for Charlotte, allowing Carmella to retain.  This allows Charlotte to not lose the match cleanly. It also builds some storyline tension between Charlotte, Asuka, and Becky. I think the Smackdown Women’s division needs to tell better stories and I think some tension between Charlotte, Asuka and Becky could be a fun storyline.

SEE ALSO: The Best WWE Matches Of 2018 According To Dave Meltzer’s Ratings

Do you have any bold WWE Backlash 2018 predictions of your own? Let us know in the comment section.

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