1) Triple H And Stephanie McMahon Mocked The Wrestlemania Sign Point
This weeks episode of RAW kicked off with an in-ring segment between Kurt Angle, Ronda Rousey, Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. This was hosted by Jonathan Coachman.
You can check out my latest WWE predictions video on Youtube: Wrestlemania 41 predictions: John Cena vs Cody Rhodes.
During Triple H and Stephanie’s entrance, they had a little fun. They pointed at the Wrestlemania sign a few times. This was something that fans have been complaining about WWE overusing. Here are some photos:
I feel like you’re trying to tell me something. pic.twitter.com/Hhq03xKcQY
— TDE Wrestling (@totaldivaseps) April 3, 2018
2) Stephanie McMahon Brought Up Ronda Rousey Not Taking Defeat Well
During the opening segment, Stephanie McMahon ended up taking a shot at Rousey and her not taking her defeats well. For those curious Ronda has the reputation of being a sore loser from her UFC career.
Always enjoy when WWE ties some real-life elements into their feuds.
“Nice jacket, by the way.” pic.twitter.com/uMBL92Af85
— TDE Wrestling (@totaldivaseps) April 3, 2018
3) WWE Is Borrowing From The UFC In Their Pre-Match Set-Up
Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Ronda Rousey and Kurt Angle participated in a pre-match photo-op. This is something that is commonly done in UFC before fights but not often in the WWE.
A pretty smart thing to do I thought based on Ronda’s UFC ties. Will be interested to see if they do that for more of her matches moving forward.
I thought I was watching #Raw not UFC
— Tyler Edwards (@Und3rAverageJoe) April 3, 2018
4) Ronda Took Her First Table Bump!
The segment ended with Triple H taking a cheap shot at Kurt Angle. Stephanie McMahon also slammed Ronda Rousey through a table that was set up in the ring.
This was Ronda’s first table bump in WWE. Here is a video for those who missed it:
Bonk. pic.twitter.com/O3D7DuTb0K
— TDE Wrestling (@totaldivaseps) April 3, 2018
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