9) Seth Rollins
One of Hart’s most famous criticisms has been about Seth Rollins. After Rollins broke Cena’s nose and ended the career of Sting, Bret had some harsh words for Seth on his podcast. These words got the ball rolling for fans to consider Rollins as a dangerous worker.
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Here is what Bret said:
“That knee in the face that he gave to John Cena was unprofessional, at best. It’s really strange that a guy like Rollins, who I have a lot of respect for, would be that reckless with that knee in the face. If someone kneed me in the face like that, I would have met him in the back dressing room with a baseball bat. There’s just no excuse for it” Source: Wrestlezone).
Bret continued:
“You can’t hurt somebody like that under any circumstances. It’s totally reckless. It can’t happen. The other thing is, when you’re the champion, you have a responsibility to not get hurt. You have to be spot on. I love that Rollins kept going on and finished the match, and that shows a lot of courage. Nobody can hurt you and you can’t hurt yourself. It’s not allowed. I was champion, off and on, for quite a few years, and I never missed one title match from an injury. I got hurt lots of times, but the reality is you’ve got so much pinned on you and so much tied onto you, the company and your peers can’t afford for you to get hurt.
When you do get injured, it throws a wrench into everything. I do feel bad–Seth Rollins is a young guy and he’s obviously very talented, and I hope he comes back from his surgery and learns from all these things. I hope they give him another chance and his opportunity has not been squandered from an injury, regardless of whose fault it was.” (Source: Wrestlezone).
Depending on who you ask, Bret is either ‘spot on’ with his criticism or a ‘bitter old man’. Harsh words from Bret, but he wasn’t finished yet…..
10) Seth Rollins x2
After Finn Balor was injured at the hands of Seth Rollins during their Summerslam match, Hart shared some more comments about Seth. Balor was injured after taking a buckle bomb into the barricade, tearing his labrum in the process.
Based on his previous comments, Bret says that he takes no satisfaction saying ‘I told you so’ in relation to Rollins’ wrestling style:
“I take no great pleasure in saying “I told you so,” but if you’re a professional wrestler and you keep hurting opponents and or yourself, clearly you’re doing it wrong. I wrestled a very realistic and physical style and not once in 23 yrs did I ever hurt one opponent ever. Seth Rollins needs to improve his technique and become the safest wrestler in the business” (Source: Wrestlezone).
Bret continued, saying Seth will kill someone if he doesn’t improve:
“I have great respect for Seth. I believe he’ll improve and hopefully stop hurting the talent before someone gets killed. Wrestlers have to trust one another. If a wrestler holds the life of another wrestler in his hands for the sake of his family, wife or children you plain and simply cannot drop it!” (Source: Wrestlezone).
Bret has since clarified his comments, saying that he is only trying to help Rollins. This might be the case but he still put Rollins on blast in the process. Bret also apologized for all of his criticisms about Seth.
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