7) Hulk Hogan
Bret Hart vs Hulk Hogan is one of the biggest matches to never happen at Wrestlemania in the 1990’s. The two wrestling icons have had issues with each other for a number of years. There are various examples of Bret and Hogan taking shots at one another. Below is one of the harshest.
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Bret was interviewed after news came out about Hogan’s settlement with Gawker over the leak of the video where Hogan said a number of racist comments.
Here is what Bret said:
“He’s coming into a nice little bonus there for being a racist. I think with Hogan, I think it’s a case of him getting caught…they talk that kind of bulls–t, and they don’t look in the mirror and go, ‘You know, I am a racist’ when they are racist. He admitted to being a racist on the video. I think that for all the money in the world, to people all over the world he was hero. I’m sure he had a lot of black wrestling fans that idolized him and worshiped him.When he goes on TV and says, ‘That wasn’t me.
That’s not the real me’, I say bulls–t. That was the real you. That’s the real you that I’ve seen, along with countless other wrestlers that are from certain parts of the country that talk in that vernacular and it’s not right. I’m glad he stepped into that mess because he tarnished his reputation and his image forever” (Source: Jobbing Out Podcast).
Bret ends it with some more reasons why he doesn’t like Hulk:
“I have lots of reasons why I don’t like Hogan. He’s always been a liar. I can’t hardly think of a thing that he’s said in his life that’s been true or honest. He’s a liar- He’s a piece of s–t, He’s a rich piece of s–t now” (Source: Jobbing Out Podcast).
8) Ric Flair
Ric Flair and Bret Hart have taken a lot of shots at one another over the years. It came to a boiling point in Flair’s book: To Be The Man, where Flair trashed Bret, saying that “he is a piss-ant in the history of wrestling” and he could never draw any money.
Bret took exception to Flair’s book with a long-winded response. Here are some of the highlights:
“Ric was an old fox that took such liberties every time he thought he could get away with it. You’ll find nary a wrestler that would describe me, Savage or Foley as back stabbers or sneaky liberty takers, but with Flair you better take a number!” (Source: ProWrestlingStories).
Hart continued:
“Enough about this so called ‘great’ worker. He was a three dressed up as a nine who left his opponents second guessing their own abilities after working with him. Foley , Savage and Bret Hart have been doing just fine outside of the world of wrestling. What else has Ric Flair got? I’d like to punch Ric Flair right in the nose – but I’d probably have to kick somebody in the ass to do it! In the infamous words of Dick Cheney, go f**k yourself Ric and be glad that someone like me doesn’t shove your head squarely up your ass someday” (Source: ProWrestlingStories).
The two have since made up and consider themselves good friends after burying the hatchet. It is clear though at one point these guys absolutely hated one another.
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