5) Triple H
It seems like Triple H and Bret Hart have never gotten along. Bret likely still harbors resentment towards Triple H, who reportedly was the one who convinced Vince McMahon to go through with the ‘Montreal Screwjob’ when Bret wouldn’t drop the WWF title to Shawn Michaels.
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Over the years we have seen a lot of criticism from Bret towards Triple H saying that he only sees him as a ‘mediocre’ wrestler. One of the best examples of Bret sounding off on Triple H is when he found out his video game ranking in WWE 2k16 was lower than his.
Here is what he said:
“I like the new one. I have some discrepancies with the game a little bit- I went to a thing last Fall when the latest 2K game was coming out. They were telling me how I’m an 85 or something like that and Triple H is a 98. I remember I was like, “Why would he be a 98?” And they go, “Well because he’s the boss and we have to suck up to the boss.”
I dunno, he was laughing about it. It kind of pissed me off. I thought, “I don’t care how many titles Triple H wins. He could never lace my f*cking boots up. Period” (Source: Wrestlezone).
Bret continued:
“He was a very good, medium, mediocre wrestler. He never blew me away with anything that he’s ever done. He’s never come up with much. He’s always been a very decent wrestler that could give you a good match. As far as being like mind blowing…” (Source: Wrestlezone).
Hard not to laugh at Bret getting angry over a video game rating. I do agree that Bret should be rated a lot higher than 85 overall. Bret also apologized for his criticism towards Triple H over the years.
6) Eric Bischoff
Bret has been very outspoken in interviews about the lackluster storylines and booking he received when he wrestled for WCW. The man in charge of WCW was Eric Bischoff and as a result, he gets a lot of the blame from Bret. It is clear that the two have a large dislike for one another.
Here is what Bret said in an interview regarding his booking in WCW:
“I could only be frustrated right from the day I started in WCW, and realized that it was a company run by a bunch of idiots that didn’t have a clue what they were doing. And they dropped the ball with me just about from the time I got there. And then after they dropped the ball with me, they kicked it around, kicked it backwards and out of the stands for most of the time I was there” (Source: CagesideSeats).
Bret continues, expressing his desire to strangle Bischoff:
“I look back today, I’d like to strangle Eric Bischoff with my own pair of hands and just thank him for doing such a lousy job with my career, and lying about everything he ever said to me” (Source: CagesideSeats).
Search Youtube if you want to hear more of these two go back and forth. It is clear that they strongly dislike each other and probably won’t be going out for a beer anytime soon.
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