10 Things That We Learned at NXT Takeover Toronto

5) New Tag Team Champs!!!

DIY Wins In The Match Of The Night!

Many fans had DIY vs the Revival penciled in as their early favorite for Match of the Night for NXT Takeover Toronto. Boy, were they correct.

In the 2 out of 3 falls match for the NXT Tag Team Titles, both teams STOLE the show.

The Revival picked up the first fall with a SHATTER MACHINE to Gargano. Tommaso Ciampa picked up the second fall for DIY, making it anyone’s ball game!

Ciampa and Gargano went on to win the 3rd fall, winning the tag team titles in the process. What a match and what a moment it was. Couldn’t be happier for Gargano and Ciampa!

Such an amazing match!!!! Two incredible teams proving that tag team wrestling is NOT dead. Couldn’t be happier for both teams on an incredible showing. Many fans have said this is a Match Of The Year contender and I find it hard to argue against that!!!

Use the buttons below for number 6 on our list of things that we learned from NXT Takeover Toronto:

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